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How to Choose a Pool Pump?

15-08-2023 16:36
How to Choose a Pool Pump?
When choosing a Pool Pump, you need to consider the size, depth, volume, water quality and filtration needs of your pool. By choosing the most suitable Pool Pump for your pool, you can keep your pool clean and clear.
Below are the points to consider when choosing a pool pump:
Pool size: The size of your pool determines the power of the pool pump you choose. A lower power pump is required for a small pool, and a higher power pump is required for a large pool.
Pool depth: The depth of your pool determines the suction depth of the pool pump you will choose. A deep pond requires a pump with a deeper suction depth.
Pool volume: The volume of your pool determines the amount of water that the pool pump you choose will pump per hour. A large pool requires a pump that can pump more water.
Water quality: The water quality of your pool determines the filtering capacity of the pool pump you choose. Dirty water requires a pump with a stronger filtering capacity.
Filtration need: The filtration need of your pool determines the filtration speed of the pool pump you choose. Pools that require more frequent filtration require a pump that can filter faster.
When choosing a Pool Pump , you can keep your pool clean and clear by paying attention to the above points.
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